Whether you have a small pond, a larger pond or even a small lake, adding water lilies will povide benefits for your water feature. Water lilies are considered to be the jewels of the pond because of their color and vibrancy. Water lilies grow from within the water, with their blossoms flourishing above the water. They typically grow to suit the size of the water feature in which they are placed, expanding their leaves across the surface of the water. Water lilies require a lot of sun to grow properly and can range notably in size, from tiny flowers with small leaves to giant plants that spread over 2 meters.
Water lilies come in a variety of shapes (circular, heart-shaped, cup-shaped, star-shaped, fluffy or pointed to name a few) and the waxy-coated leaves can be smooth or jagged, round or pointy. Water lily colors can range from yellow, pink, red, white, purple, blue and orange.
Benefits of having Water Lilies in your Pond:
- Water lilies keep the pond and the ecosystem in it healthy.
- Water lilies provide shade to keep the water temperature down during warmer days.
- Water lilies help to keep algae growth down by blocking out sunlight.
- Water lilies absorb nutrients in the water that would normally feed algae, keeping the water clean-looking.
- Water lilies provide shelter and protection to any creatures that might live in the pond.
Different Types of Water Lilies
There are two main types of water lily plants: tropical and hardy.
- Tropical water lily flowers bloom during the day or night depending on the kind.
- Hardy water lily flowers bloom during the day.
- Tropical water lilies are annual plants (they will complete their life cycle and die).
- Hardy water lilies are perennial (they can live for more than two years).

Hardy Water Lilies
They can remain in the pond year round. They will die in the winter time but when spring arrives, they will produce new leaves and flowers. Flowers come in a variety of colors, and some can change their color shades. Hardy water lilies are able to live through the colder climates, so long as their roots are below the level at which the water freezes. The hard water lily flower opens in the day and closes at night.
- Hardy water lilies have round, leathery leaves.
- They can have green leaves or leaves splashed with brown.
- The flowers open in the morning and close at night.
- They are easy to care for.
- The flowers of hardy water lilies float on the surface of the water, and the plants grow from rhizomes, not tubers.
Tropical Water Lilies
Tropical water lilies are larger and flashier than the Hardy water lilies and tend to be more fragrant. They are more likely to produce multiple flowers at any given time, and the lily flowers stay open for longer.
There are two kinds of tropical water lilies:
- Night bloomers – white, pink or red color range, and these types are typically more fragrant. These lilies can take an entire hour to fully open.
- Day bloomers – magenta, red/pink, to white/yellow, or to blue/violet, and their scents are usually lighter and sweeter. They bloom in the morning and close again during the late afternoon hours.